In 1993, the year the government of Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, launched its post-war reconstruction program financed by domestic borrowing, Lebanon's public debt stood at LL 6,650 billion ($3.6 billion) equivalent to 50 percent of GOP. Of this, only 8.5 percent was foreign currency denominated. By 2004, the debt stood at LL 52,540 billion ($34.8 billion), equivalent to 185 percent of GOP, one of the highest public debt-to-GDP ratios in the world. The foreign currency component of this debt now represented 52.7 percent of the total, making Lebanon more vulnerable to a debt crisis as those witnessed in Latin American in the 1980s, which had forced these countries into structural adjustment. The same year World Bank Vice President Fran~ois Bourguignon warned that Lebanon's situation was "totally unsustainable," and pressed the government to make progress on structural reforms and privatization. 1 For the first time in its modem history, Lebanon - one of the economic success stories of the Middle East before the 1975 - 1990 civil war - was on the verge of a full blown debt crisis and increasingly at the mercy of its foreign creditors and the Bretton Woods institutions.

Robison, Richard
International Political Economy and Development (IPED)
International Institute of Social Studies

Srouji, Samer. (2005, December). Capturing the state: A political economy of Lebanon's public debt crisis 1992-2004. International Political Economy and Development (IPED). Retrieved from