The Republic of Ghana derives its name from the medieval Ghana Empire located in West Africa with a coastline of 554k111 along the Atlantic Ocean and a total land area of about 238,533sqkm (92.000 sq miles). Within thiI1y-five years of Ghana's becoming a sovereign state. the country has experienced nine different types of govellU11ent (three civilian and six military) including a Westminster-style parliamentary democracy, a socialist single party republic and several military regimes following coups in 1966.1972.1979 and 1981 before its f0U11h return to multiparty democratic government in January 1993 (Quainoo.2002).

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Kurian, Rachel
Politics of Alternative Development (PAD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Dorgbed, Christine Esi. (2003, December). Enhancing CSO's Strategies- A complement to decentralisation for political participation of women at grassroots level in Ghana. Politics of Alternative Development (PAD). Retrieved from