Ever since the Second World War the world has fonned an apparent dualism, a dich.otomy between two groups. one of which is necessarily subordinate. I say necessarily because a dualism is..lhe result of a 'denied dependency on a subordinate other' (plumwood 1993 :41, emphasis added). I am not talking of the EastWest divide which was political in nature, but one that overrides suchan analysis - the north-south divide. Countries arc either developed (the north) or underdeveloped (the south). There is also a middle group of countries referred to as the newly industrialised countries. These have recently been joined by 'ex-Soviet block' countries. Despite these two middle groups. the vast majority of the world is split as mentioned above.

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Salih, Mohamed
Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS)
International Institute of Social Studies

Pocook, Jane. (1994, November). Can the 'North' develop?: an ecological critique of progress. Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/9342