Based on the transition period 1990 - 1999, this study purposes to critically examine the emergent civil society in Kenya. The study reveals that what passes as civil society in Kenya is narrow and therefore suggests an approach that can accommodate all its manifestations. The study tells the story about potentials and limitations of the civil society in promoting fundamental political and socio- economic changes in a transition country like Kenya. It is evident from this study that there is a narrow base of what passes as civil society in Kenya. Therefore this study in accepting that civil society is important in the deepening of democracy, tells the story of the contemporary civil society by availing factors that mitigate for the narrow basis of civil society and further conclude by suggesting possible remedies to the .problem. It does appear evident from this study that there is need to narrow the gap between reality and theory in as far as civil society in concerned.

Markakis, J.
Politics of Alternative Development (PAD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Otieno, Isaack Okero. (1999, November). Civil society in Kenya 1990 - 1999: a critique. Politics of Alternative Development (PAD). Retrieved from