This study presents a decision-making policy case in Colombia, related to the concession of the ecotourism services in the National Natural Parks in 2004. The study poses the question of why the government ~ook the decision to give in concession the ecotourism services in the parks. The policy-process resulted to be a solution driven-type of policy reform. In the document is explained and analyzed the factors behind that influenced the decision-making. The study highlights how solution-driven policy decisions are highly influenced by the international context and lesson drawing practices, are more likely to happen in a top-down perspective of policy making and are also influenced and shaped by the characteristics of a national context and the political pressures and interests of some society groups. In this sense the policy does not followed a normative and linear approach for policy making but an interactive, showing the reality of policy-making process in which politics plays an important role. Key words: Policy-analysis, decision-making, solution-centric approaches, realism in policy making, planning, politics, ecotourism, environmental polices natural parks, lesson drawing practices and state reforms.

Arsel, Murat
Public Policy and Management (PPM)
International Institute of Social Studies

Meleg Cabrera, Catalina. (2006, December). The concession of ecotourism services in the Colombian national parks - the reality of the policy making process. Public Policy and Management (PPM). Retrieved from