Bangladesh has extensive floodplains/wetlands which are home to hundreds of species of aquatic plants, birds, wildlife and more importantly enrich in fisheries resources. These wetlands provide critical habitats for millions of migrating birds and are important source of livelihoods and nutrition for millions of rural Bangladesh's poor people and fishermen who are primarily dependent on these wetlands for their livelihoods. The contribution of inland fisheries of Bangladesh to the livelihood of in particular the rural people is historically reflected in the traditional popular saying "fish and rice malce a Bangali (Bangladeshi)". About 70% of rural households undertalce fishing for their subsistence needs (DoF, 2001).

Spoor, Max
Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC)
International Institute of Social Studies

Kamal, Mostafa. (2006, December). Sustainable Aquatic Resource Management and Rural Livelihoods: The MACH Intervention in Bangladesh. Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC). Retrieved from