The paper is divided into three chapters. The first outlines the history of cooperation in India, later in Pakistan and its growth until 1976. The second chapter discusses the. federalization itself. The third chapter explores the impact of federalization on rural cooperatives in so Ifar as their source of finance was drastically restructured. Finally, the coriclusions re-capitulate and high-light the strength and weaknesses of the four hypotheses that have been set-up in para. 8. A few words about the data. There is little published literature on the later period of c09perative institutions in Pakistan. Some reliance has therefore to be placed on experience of those who have work~ closely and directly with these institutions It has been kept in mind that this reliance should not be complete but corroborative and explanatory. Reliance should thus be both cautious and discrete.

A. Saith
Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC)
International Institute of Social Studies

Haroon, Farooq. (1982, October). Federalization of cooperative banking in Pakistan - its impact on rural cooperatives a case study of Punjab province. Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC). Retrieved from