The majority of the available literature describing the vast financial flows into many developing countries, which inflows originates from natural resource export receipts, foreign direct investments (FDI), and Official Development Aid (ODA) have not yet illustrated the possibility of a case where both phenomena simultaneously could cause growth or morespecifically exports to deteriorate. First, it is important to state that ODA in this study refersonly to Dutch development assistance, which is by far the largest of all ODA flows to Suriname. These failures (growth and exports) are the core of the Resource Curse Thesis(Auty, 1993) and Dutch Disease! theory (Neary and Van Wijnbergen, 1986).

Murshed, Mansoob
Environment and Sustainable Development (ESD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Eckhorst, S. Karel. (2004, December). Can a curse become a blessing? Natural resource dependence and aid In the case of Suriname. Environment and Sustainable Development (ESD). Retrieved from