Water security is principal concern for sustainable development regarding the multi purposes of water that makes life possible. For many years the local government has prompted many efforts to overcome water crisis but it is still viewed as mitigation effort. The recurrence of water crisis particularly in Rembang Regency encourages me to figure out the best practice of water resource management in the local context. The introduction of infiltration wells or sumur resapan in local terms bring new optimism in practicing the principles of sustainable water resources management. The sumur resapan is recommended for groundwater conservation due to technical and cost effectiveness. Nevertheless, disseminating invention often emerges gap between government objectives and community expectations that is probably influenced by perception, knowledge and awareness of the local community. This research attempted to figure out the practice of the interactive process in the implementation of the sumur resapan that is promoted to be a bridge between local government and community. Through partnership mechanism, it is expected improving awareness and participation of the local community that is stimulated by intensive communication and sufficient transfer of knowledge. Overall, the implementation of the sumur resapan still needs large improvements to be wide accepted by the community, especially in establishing legal framework for adapting the diversity of socio-cultural dimension. Considering other findings, it is interesting to next research to know how local knowledge can be used for coping water crisis.

Leksono, P.S., Murp, D., Ast, J. van
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies

Nurtjahjanto, B.D. (2006, November 6). Interactive water resources management in the implementation of the Sumur Resapan System, in Rembang Regency, Indonesia. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/12023