This study based on the data were collected from the Government institution, credit institution, statistical bureau and question sheet from the small scale fishing community in Surabaya, this study examines the determinants factors of low level income of the fisher and investigate whether intervention of government help poor fisher increase their income and come with their problem in order to sustain their livelihood. For gain this purpose, this study use data collected and information through questoion sheet and analyzed using relevant theories. Result shows that several factor determined the low level income of fishers and the government interventions are not matching with the fishers problem. On the another words, the intervention could not help fisher to generate their income significantly. The determinant factors of low level income fisher is very complicated. Poor fishers are not only face problem from the outside factors such as natural disaster, climate change, fish diseases, dependency on high interest private debt,large family member, weak bargaining power but also from the inside such as low level of skill and education. Escaping from all the problems is difficult for the poor fishers, attention from the government and another organization is needed by them to escape from the poverty and sustain their livelihood. Easier of getting access to assets from the community organization or government is important for the fisher to try improve their ability and open chances for them to empower themselves. Assets is the main important thing especially for the poor fisher because commonly they lack n accessing asset. Assets also the most important things in sustainable livelihood. In this study, government gave support on several assets which are aimed to help poor fisher increasing their income by increasing productivity and opening opportunity to diversify their livelihood. Some of the interventions provided by government can lead them to increase their income, in another side, the interventions also give opportunity to pull them in to deeper poverty. To get better and positive impact on those interventions, governent should have more understanding on the determinant factors which are caused fisher’s problem. Ths study argue that ability to set the fish price and get better bargaining power in the market seem the strongest reason of the fisher’s low level income problems. Even though many factors also take part on that situation. Finally, this study suggest to do survey for get better understanding on fisher main problems, so combining qualitative method through survey and in depth interview may will give more precise figure of fisher conditions. Relevance to Development Studies This study tries to take part in contributing on poverty alleviation through income generation of the small scale fishers which is supported by government intervention. The first step of this study was defined the more important factors which lead to low level income of fishers. The next step was analizing whether the government interventions were give positive impact to income fisher proven by increasing in income. By analizing those intervention, we will get the better understanding on how to help fisher to escape from low income problem. Low level income of fisher determined by many factors. In addition, not all government of intervention could be hepfull to gain the goals. Better understanding in the caused-problem factors leads to better intervention designs. And it becomes the long-term aim of this study.

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Newman, Susan
Economics of Development (ECD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Khomsatun, I. (2012, December 14). Small Scale Fisher : Low Level Income and Sustainable Livelihood Approach. Economics of Development (ECD). Retrieved from