As a bachelor student, the main objective of this thesis was to learn additional technical and analytical skills. Therefore, I replicated first the results of Jin and Leslie by learning the program STATA. After that, I included new, additional and relevant own results. I admit that I have learnt a lot in this last period of my bachelor Economics and I have experienced this project as a nice and useful one for my further career. Therefore, I want to thank my supervisor Dr. S.V. Kapoor for his involvement during my thesis period. As a supervisor, he gave me a good opportunity to develop my technical and analytical skills. Also, he made me more and more enthusiastic about this subject and I will keep this subject of franchising in mind during my Masters. Also, I want to thank Eric Ouwejan and my parents, Sam and Marga Boelens, for their mental support during this thesis process. Finally I want to thank my roommates, who were also an important mental anchor. I apologize to them for my low attendance at home last period due to long University Library days and I am grateful to them that they accepted it without any complaint.

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Kapoor, S.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Boelens, B. (2013, July 29). Reputational incentives and the franchisee free-rider problem. Business Economics. Retrieved from