Research has shown that for the economic lot-sizing problem, the on-line heuristics PPA and H* are amongst the best performing heuristics on the test bed by Berry (1972). Both of these heuristics have a worst-case ratio of 2, which is the lowest value possible for heuristics in the class of on-line heuristics. This might raise the presumption that the possession of a worst-case ratio of 2 is a good property for an on-line heuristic to have. We shall do this by modifying some well-known existing heuristics in a way that gives them a worst-case ratio of 2, and then comparing their performance against the performance of the original heuristics using the test bed by Simpson (2009).

Heuvel, W. van den
Erasmus School of Economics

Maas, F.P.G. (Florian). (2013, July 12). Performance of on-line lot sizing heuristics with a worst-case ratio of two. Econometrie. Retrieved from