Consistent vehicle routing problems (ConVRP) are VRP’s with multiple days, where customers always need to be visited at roughly the same time of the day. To solve these problems, Groër et al. (2009) developed an algorithm called ConRTR. In this study, I will show that some of the solutions as provided by Groër et al. (2009) are infeasible and how ConRTR can be used to get feasible solutions. It is studied how all parameters of ConRTR influence the solution and computation time. will show what the influence is of all used parameters in ConRTR on the solution and computation time. I will also provide an algorithm that makes solutions more consistent. With a relative small increase in total travel time, the ConRTR solutions can become much more consistent.

Spliet, R.
Erasmus School of Economics

Ridder, R.J. den. (2014, August 14). ConRTR, a Consistent Vehicle Routing Problem algorithm. Econometrie. Retrieved from