We use constant and time-varying copulas, both Normal and Symmetrized Joe-Clayton copulas, to describe the dependency of exchange rates. We test wether copulas describe the exchange rates better than more conventional models as the AR(p)-GARCH(P,Q) and test whether there is a difference between the stability of the copula parameters between emerging markets and advanced markets versus the Euro. We find evidence that the copula models estimate a better VaR than the conventional model, but no evidence that there is a difference in stability of the parameters for the different type of markets.

Dijk, van D.J.C.
Erasmus School of Economics

Geuskens, R.S. (2014, July 17). Value at Risk and Dependency over time for Exchange Rates with Time-Varying Copulas. Econometrie. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/16488