This thesis presents the research study findings on financial sustainability of water kiosk system in Kanyama Township, a peri-urban area within the City of Lusaka in Zambia. Kanyama Township is a heterogeneous mix of planned and unplanned housing developments and lacks adequate drinking water supply. Therefore, as a way of increasing access to drinking water supply, the government has constructed 18 water kiosks in the township. The construction was financed by the Devolution Trust Fund (DTF), a multi-donor basket fund established by the government for the purposes of financing improved access to water supply and sanitation services in low-income urban and peri-urban areas but wholly supported by cooperating partners.

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Brilhante, O. (Ogenis)
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies

Kambole, S.M. (Sankwe). (2012, September). Financial Sustainability of Kiosk Water Supply. Retrieved from