In 2002, Congram, Potts and Van de Velde introduced dynasearch, a new competitive local search algorithm for the single-machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem. At the time, an iterated dynasearch algorithm outperformed the state-of-the-art tabu search algorithm of Crauwels et al. (1998). In this thesis, we compare the basic dynasearch algorithm of Congram et al. (2002) with both existing and new extented versions of dynasearch, and with the breakout dynasearch algorithm of Ding et al. (2016).

Breugem, T.
Erasmus School of Economics

Feitsma, P.E. (Emiel). (2017, July 31). Analyzing Different Dynasearch Algorithms for the Single-Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem. Econometrie. Retrieved from