In many statistical methods, complications arise when the number of dimensions d in a data set is relatively large. Due to overfitting and multicollinearity, linear regression estimates often suffer from numerical instability when the amount of predictors is large. In this research, I compare regularized regression methods that are developed to alleviate the consequences of multicollinearity and overfitting, such as ridge regression and lasso. I combine these methods with an outlier detection algorithm, developed by Rousseeuw & Van den Bossche (2016), that is capable of finding outlying cells and rows in highdimensional data sets, taking correlations between variables into account. With this combination, high-dimensional regression estimates are found that are robust to both rowwise and cellwise outliers.

Alfons, A.
Erasmus School of Economics

Maasakkers, F.J.L. van (Luuk). (2017, July 31). Robust regression with high-dimensional data. Econometrie. Retrieved from