This research focused on the implementation of integrated sustainable waste management (ISWM) through household participation in a waste bank program. This study investigates the influence of customers’ motivation in participating in a waste bank program, thereby affecting customers’ contribution to the effectiveness of the waste bank program. The research examines two types of customers in Cimahi municipality: individuals and unit customers who have different characteristics and behaviors. The first part of the research explains implementation of Samici Waste Bank’s program in Cimahi city, and how it operates on a daily basis. The second part of the research investigates the differences between individuals and unit customers in terms of motivation to participate in the waste bank program. The third part inspects whether discrepancies between the two types of customers influences the costumers’ contribution to the waste bank, and how this affects the program’s effectiveness in achieving waste reduction policy targets. The study was an explanatory, single holistic case study. Various literature and case studies on ISWM were reviewed, particularly related to waste recycling activities, waste bank programs and household participation. Assessment variables and indicators were then formulated as analytic tools to assess the influence of customers’ motivation to participate in a waste bank program, thereby contributing to the effectiveness of the program. The method of primary data collection involved questionnaires which were completed by waste bank customers. The selection of a sample for questionnaires was by stratified random sampling based on types of waste bank customers (individuals and units). In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the waste bank director and with selected waste bank customers for data triangulation purpose, using single purposive sampling as sample selection method. Use was also made of reviewing secondary data as well as observation. The data from field work were then analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively, assisted by SPSS, Microsoft Excel, and Atlas.ti program software in the forms of narratives, tables, chats and images. The findings reveal that in terms of customers’ motivation to participate in the waste bank program, there are four variables which demonstrate significant differences between individuals and unit customers, namely: socioeconomic condition (occupation and community level activity), attitude towards participation in a waste bank program, subjective norms, and convenience. It can be concluded that customers’ motivation significantly influences each household’s decision on the level of participation to which they want to become involved in the program, as individuals or unit customers. This research also shows a weak correlation between a customer’s motivation and their contribution to the program in Samici Waste Bank. This means that customers’ motivation to participate did not directly and significantly affect the amount of contributions made to the waste bank program. However, encouragement from external referents (friends, neighbors and community leaders) and convenience (accessibility to the service facilities) may influence people to participate and contribute more to the waste bank program. Furthermore, contributions to the waste bank program are more influenced by technical aspects such as frequency of depositing waste, number of recyclable materials delivered, and total amount of waste deposited. To improve the effectiveness of the waste bank program, several recommendations are formulated. First, encouraging more socialization about Samici Waste Bank with related stakeholders to create awareness. Second, improving the quality of convenience which consists of availability of service facilities and accessibility.

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Smals, R. (Raphaël)
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies

Pratiwi, D.A. (Destri Ayu). (2016, October 31). The Influence of Customers’ Motivation Leading to the Contributions of Individuals and Communities to a Waste Bank Program. Retrieved from