The central aim of this study is to explore the role of photojournalism in a conflict area in Africa: Darfur. This explorative study compares, due to qualitative and quantitative research, the images of the conflict (2002-2007) in a Dutch quality newspaper, NRC Handelsblad, and an American quality newspaper, The NY Times. Besides that, the aim of this study is to draw a general image of photojournalism in a conflict area and formulate the specific restrictions that can be related. Based on literature and the background & history of Darfur, a framework for the empirical research has been set up. Central themes are the production and selection of news, photography in conflict area’s, stereotypes, crisis-oriented and negative news.

Zweers, drs. L., Kleppe, drs. M.
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Asbreuk, Leanne. (2008, August 31). Darfur Een Fotogenieke Ramp?. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from