In recent years, freelancers have increasingly swapped their homes and the traditional offices of their clients for extended workplaces. Creative workers opt for cafés, coworking spaces and hotel lobby's as their workplace for multiple reasons. Feeling creative is one of them. This study responds to this trend and shows how expanding the workplace thrives freelancers' self-perceived creativity. Ten freelancers who work in the creative industries have reported in interviews and noted in online diary-surveys where and when they go to feel creative. Therefore, this study builds upon research on workplace creativity. The findings of this thesis reveal what elements of the workplace encourage self-perceived creativity amongst freelancers: elements that make creative workers feel comfortable, socially involved and inspired. Moreover, variety in time and space plays an important role for freelancers in feeling creative.

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Wijngaarden, Y. van
Media & Creative Industries
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Wijnen, Marloes van. (2020, June 25). Eat sleep create repeat, but at your own pace and place How working at extended workplaces makes freelancers feel creative. Media & Creative Industries. Retrieved from