This study aimed to establish why children born outside marriage (CBOM) are discriminated against. While working as a Probation and Social Welfare Officer (PSWO) in Kaberamaido District, the author of this paper came face to face with problems concerning CBOM. These children suffer many specific and unique disadvantages. No single actor is addressing them as a group. At best they are targeted as part of all children considered vulnerable in the National Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (OVC) policy of Uganda. Kaberamaido District located in the North Eastern region of Uganda still operates along very strong customary norms and ties which often seem to conflict with international and national laws. According to the findings of this study, although there is much need, the problems of CBOM are not considered an issue possibly because illegitimacy is not seen as a problem given the patriarchal nature of Ugandan society which respects and recognises men who have many women and children. Data gathered through 19 individual interviews, and the mobilization of one entire selected village to draw the village map and plot all households marking those with children or adults born outside marriage (BOM) provided a wealth of relevant and unique information. Different focus groups were formed and individuals were identified for life histories. The situation was reported as bad, characterised by discrimination and lack of basic necessities. Many children live with other care givers than their biological parents. In most cases these care givers may have their own children to look after as well, who might take precedence. In the village population of 302 persons including 122 children sampled, 96 including 10 CBOM were present. Nine of these children were below five years of age. ‘Illegitimacy’ is not a new phenomenon and could therefore be treated as something that has come to stay and requiring durable solutions.

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Arts, Karin
Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS)
International Institute of Social Studies

Alyano, Elizabeth. (2009, January). Children Born Outside Marriage in Kaberamaido District in North Eastern Uganda: Who Cares?. Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS). Retrieved from