The present study investigates the effects of Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojagar Yojana (SGSY), a national level anti-poverty program of government of India with regard to poverty eradication and women's empowerment. Though SGSY scheme focuses only on poverty reduction and does not have explicit gender equality objectives, however more number of women members and women Self-help groups are encouraged to be linked with this program than men. Through primary data collection the study looks at the effects of SGSY scheme in Koksara block of Kalahandi district of Orissa in India. By comparing the perceptions of both male and female beneficiaries of SGYS scheme as well as governmental officials involved with this program the study shows the resultant implications of the program for both male and female beneficiaries. Women are more successful than men by reducing poverty of the household and investing the income for the wellbeing of the children and family. But with regard to the effect on poverty and well being of women the study shows the programme does not address the multidimensional poverty of women which is reflected through increasing work pressure and less leisure leading towards ' feminisation of responsibility' to alleviate the poverty of the family. Intra- household power dynamics and gender role of women remains unchanged, which poses a challenge for her wellbeing and full empowerment. There is a difference between the tribal community where gender relations are more equitable and caste communities and tribal men and women have overall benefitted more from the scheme. Overall also though women say they are gaining voice and taking part in the household decision-making, becoming aware and getting recognition from the community and family, having mobility and casting their voting rights and participating in politics and different community activities, still, they have no full control over the loan. To make the SGSY programme successful for women with regard to their poverty alleviation and empowerment there is need to address the gender relations by uncovering the 'black box' inside the household.

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Chhachhi, Amrita
Women, Gender, Development (WGD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Jogamaya Bai. (2009, January). Women’s Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation: A critical Assessment of the Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojagar Yojana (SGSY) program, Orissa, India. Women, Gender, Development (WGD). Retrieved from