Changes on localities’ economic environment induced by external causes or by evolution of localities’ economy. In this way, a habit or behaviour can become an economic failure. The lack of adaptation of the institutional cultural heritage is shown by local actors’ weaknesses and limitations. Economic failures of localities are the result of these dysfunctions. However, this paper shows that cultural heritage is dynamic and could adapt itself creating and adapting its structures. Hybrid institutions are part of this change. These institutions are changing the behaviour of their constituent actors. This is creating new habits and structures with better capacity to face the current economic environment.

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Helmsing, A.H.J. Bert
Public Policy and Management (PPM)
International Institute of Social Studies

Uzín Pacheco, Guillermo Javier Andrés. (2009, January). Are ‘hybrid institutions’ vehicles to promote Local Economic Development?. Public Policy and Management (PPM). Retrieved from