In India, the power sector reforms were taken up after the economic reforms introduced in 1991. The enactment of Electricity Act, 2003 opened up the sector for private investment and competition in power generation, transmission and distribution. The act requires unbundling of existing State Electricity Boards and corporatization of power generation, transmission and distribution companies to have operational efficiency and functional autonomy. The Research paper compares and analyses the performance of four selected states in India in achieving objectives of the power sector reforms. The Research paper tries to understand the role played by central and state governments and other stakeholders; farmers, employees association, private investors, industries, etc in shaping the reform process. In conclusion, the paper suggests a few policy measures for a self sustaining, efficient and effective power sector in the country.

Tankha, Sunil
Public Policy and Management (PPM)
International Institute of Social Studies

Ramaiah, Ramakrishnan. (2009, January). Power Sector Reforms in India, the Road Ahead for Indian States: A Comparative Study of Selected Indian States. Public Policy and Management (PPM). Retrieved from