It is known that the metaverse is starting to gain a lot of popularity within the most various businesses. Since the emergence of digitalization and further the metaverse, luxury fashion brands are starting to explore these virtual worlds on the most various ways, from offering brand-new ways to experience clothing, developing NFT markets to generate revenue, and using this platform to offer new marketing strategies, giving the availability of immersive brand experiences and digital items. However, is important to better understand how these luxury fashion brands perform their marketing campaigns on the metaverse. Although there is a considerable amount of research that targets marketing campaigns in the metaverse, no study has been conducted yet regarding the manner in which luxury fashion brands are utilizing the main characteristics of digital marketing which are personalization and emotion to enhance their marketing campaigns on the metaverse. To fill this gap, this study aims to explore and understand how luxury fashion brands are utilizing those characteristics and performing them in the metaverse. In order to conduct the study, ten luxury fashion brands that have begun to make an appearance on the metaverse were chosen for a qualitative comparative case study research. Interesting insights are given into the most popular and effective techniques because the selected cases have already been successful in integrating the metaverse into their marketing strategies. The cases were developed from a selection of carefully chosen articles, and they were then evaluated deductively by employing a thematic analysis based on conceptually created theories. The two main concepts that determine the framework of this study are personalization and emotional features. The main findings highlighted that marketing campaigns are essentially enhanced by these two features, although emotional features are the crucial characteristic to be performed in the metaverse. However, nearly none of the sub-themes of the two main features operate separately rather they are dependent. Finally, by giving an integrated framework that synthesizes the major insights from this study's findings, this study suggests strategies for luxury fashion brands' performance on their metaverse campaigns.

Matthijs Leendertse MA
Media & Creative Industries
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Frederica Wilbraham Moreira. (2023, August). Metaverse, the next step of marketing campaigns. Media & Creative Industries. Retrieved from