More and more musicians are choosing the independent route given the accessibility of digital tools. This thesis focuses on independent musicians of color and examines the barriers to success they may face due to race or ethnicity. The research questions guiding this study are, "What are the barriers to success for independent musicians of color?" and “How do independent artists of color overcome these barriers to success?” Interviews were conducted with a sample of 11 independent musicians of color located in the Netherlands, and thematic analysis was employed as the research method to identify and analyze recurring themes and patterns in their responses. The study found that independent musicians of color face multiple perceived barriers that hinder their success. The thematic analysis of the interview data revealed several important findings of barriers and methods for overcoming them. First, genre presented barriers for musicians of color in that it was often used a means of discrimination. Hip hop was often used to categorize musicians of color while simultaneously receiving less credibility than other genres. Second, gatekeepers including record labels and playlist curators contributed to a glass ceiling for the musicians in this study. Independent musicians felt that there was a limit to their success due to lack of access and resources. Lastly, a lack of representation and stereotypes contributed to additional pressures that their white peers may not have to contend with. To overcome these barriers, musicians made use of networks and marketing to international audiences. Networks were used by musicians to establish credibility and access to resources that are typically held by gatekeepers. The most significant contribution to theory of this research was the use of marketing to the US and UK for musicians making English music as a method of overcoming the barriers present in the Dutch music industry. Overall, the findings highlight the complex nature of the barriers faced by independent musicians of color in the Dutch music industry. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing valuable insights into the experiences and perceptions of independent musicians of color.

dr. Pawan Bhansing
Media & Creative Industries
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Sydney Brakie. (2023, August). Behind the stage: the barriers to success for independent musicians of color. Media & Creative Industries. Retrieved from