Deepfakes are a new form of deep learning algorithm that is used to swap one person’s face with another. This technology has been found in politics, media manipulation and ‘fake news’, but the most prominent use is in pornographic videos, with 96% of deepfakes being pornographic. When used in pornographic videos, deepfakes are most commonly done without the prior knowledge of the individuals depicted in the video, becoming a form of technology facilitated sexual-violence (TFSV). This lack of consent when creating and sharing deepfakes online is a complex issue on an individual and social level. This is due to the fact that consent functions differently online, and the ability to create fake content re-structures understanding of consent again. Furthermore, questions of ownership of content and legal aspects also play a vital role in deepfakes and consent. However, even considering the harm that pornographic deepfakes can cause, current research focuses mainly on the political and legal aspects of deepfakes. Therefore considering these premises, this research investigates the following research question: “What are the implications of deepfake pornography on perceptions of consent online?” The analysis is based on a qualitative mix-method approach using focus groups and expert interviews to find key social perceptions on deepfake pornography and consent. The main findings show that social anxieties around consent practices online increase when considering deepfakes. This is mainly due to the realisation that non-consensual deepfakes do not require any previous interaction between victim and perpetrator and, therefore, can expedite the TFSV happening online. In addition, participants noted that deepfakes are a form of TFSV that is difficult to remove from the online sphere due to digital infinity and the ownership dispute deepfakes can create. Deepfakes can be considered a form of content creation, similar to memes, and this can complicate the ownership of the video, impacting consent practices further. Lastly, another key aspect that was identified is the social and individual impacts deepfakes can create. On a social level, they perpetuate the confusion between truth and fiction, blurring the lines of consent. Whereas on an individual level, they can impact the victim in a similar psychological and physical way compared to an offline victim of sexual violence. Accordingly, the main results highlight that pornographic deepfakes do not only intensify non-consensual practices online, but they can have vast social and individual implications.

dr. Marlen Komorowski
Media & Creative Industries
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Xenia Liebscher. (2023, August). DEEPFAKE PORNOGRAPHY AND ITS IMPACT ON SEXUAL CONSENT. Media & Creative Industries. Retrieved from