The goal of this study is to investigate the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on campaign creative creation in the advertising business. Understanding the influence of artificial intelligence on content generation is crucial as technology breakthroughs continue to disrupt the advertising industry. Understanding the impact of AI on content development is critical as technological advancements continue to transform the advertising sector. The aim of the research is to understand how AI might change the creative process inside the advertising agency. A qualitative research approach was used to answer the research question, which included in-depth interviews with advertising specialists. The qualitative research method was chosen as the most suitable approach for this study, given its objective of uncovering new practical specifics and prognoses from real experts in the field. The information gathered from these sources was thoroughly examined using coding techniques. The study's findings demonstrate a variety of positive and negative outcomes associated with the use of artificial intelligence in the advertising business for creative campaign creation. On the plus side, AI provides several advantages, such as increased efficiency, cost-effectiveness, accuracy, and decision-making abilities. However, there are some drawbacks to consider. There are certain limitations to AI-produced content. Additionally, AI-generated material may lack the human touch and originality of human emotion. Furthermore, ethical issues have been raised about the potential influence on employment, data privacy, and the possibility of AI-generated biases. The study also acknowledges the evolving nature of creativity and the significant shift in the required skill set brought about by the integration of artificial intelligence in creative campaign development within the advertising industry. As a result, the current study emphasizes the significance of doing balanced research on the benefits and downsides of the use of AI in advertising, highlighting the importance of responsible and ethical AI adoption to ensure positive outcomes for companies and customers. The results of the research can bring practical and empirical benefits to academics and the advertising industry. The research serves as a foundational framework for future investigations by academics, providing a solid base for further exploration and development in a particular field. At the same time, practitioners will utilize the insights and recommendations from this research generated from academic research to inform their decision-making and shape their strategies.

Rian Koreman MSc
Media & Creative Industries
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Daria Getmanskaia. (2023, August). Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Content Creation in Advertising. Media & Creative Industries. Retrieved from