In recent years there has been significant growth in the global video gaming industry. This tendency is expected to continue with the gaming industry achieving market growth of +2.9% by 2025. Furthermore, a rising trend has been noticed by many, namely the resurgence of retro games. This has established the need for researchers to study the retro gaming phenomenon and determine its academic and social significance. Through the research question: “What are the motivations of Generation Z for playing First-Person Shooter (FPS) retro games?” this study aims to examine the extrinsic and intrinsic motives of younger people for engaging with retro games in times of abundance of highly technological video games. The study is further aided by a sub-question, namely: “What is the difference between an (FPS) gamer and a retro (FPS) gamer?”. This question was used to aid the analysis of the data, as well as to emphasize the similarities and differences between the gamer and retro gamer identities. For the purpose of the research, a qualitative online survey method was used which aimed to increase the generalizability of the results. The data collected from the survey was then analysed through a qualitative content analysis which led to the establishment of the three major themes. The first important finding was the necessity of the participants to gain a gamer status through their engagement with retro FPS games. This status is maintained through three main activities, including improving one’s gaming abilities, belonging to a gamer community and critically evaluating the retro game at hand. Another important finding is the motivation of participants to play retro FPS games as a form of resistance towards the modern gaming industry. On the one hand, respondents showed an appreciation for the simplicity of retro FPS games, and on the other hand, they expressed disapproval of contemporary gaming industry practices, including the commodification of the gaming industry and the exploitation of loyal gaming fans for profit. The final essential finding revealed the motivation of younger players to engage with retro FPS games in order to elicit a specific feeling. Thus, (re)-playing a particular game is often used by participants to either recreate an emotion felt in the past, such as playing with a family member or to reflect upon the past itself, such as stepping into the shoes of the retro FPS game developers. Additionally, retro FPS games are used by many to escape the burdens of contemporary society and relieve one’s stress and anxiety. The findings of this study offer a ground for further research on the topic of retro gaming, including exploring further the meaning-making of retro (FPS) gamers and the motivations of certain gamers who engage with newly developed (FPS) games with retro aesthetics. The findings could also aid further studies on the topic of gamer identity and thus, help establish the characteristics of the retro (FPS) gamer.

dr. Leandro Borges Lima
Media & Creative Industries
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Valeria Stoyanova. (2023, August). The why and how of the retro gaming phenomenon. Media & Creative Industries. Retrieved from