This research argues that social movements themselves, besides engaging in social struggles, are also challenging dominant knowledge frameworks through their knowledge creation practices. In so doing, they make visible alternative epistemologies with important socio-political implications. The research engages with the experience of the ‘Escuela Mesoamericana de los Movimientos Sociales’ (EMMS), which brings together diverse social movements, popular educators, and academics with the purpose of creating collective knowledge for political action and social transformation. Based on an approach which engages with social movements as knowledge producers, it reflects on how the knowledges and practices of EMMS are visibilizing alternative ways of knowing and acting.

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Icaza, Rosalba
Politics of Alternative Development (PAD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Eyre, Tania Marlene Durán. (2009, January). Social Movements/Popular Education and Other Spaces of Knowledge: Learning along with the ‘Escuela Mesoamericana de los Movimientos Sociales’. Politics of Alternative Development (PAD). Retrieved from