This thesis explores the Dutch Hard Dance music community and how branding and engagement are used as tools to create success of artists and brands on social media. Despite its popularity, which can be noted for example by the performance of Hardstyle DJ Coone at the Tomorrowland Mainstage 2018, the scene gained little attention in academic discourse. Furthermore, in recent years, social media has gained significant importance in the repertoire of every marketing manager. A mixed-method approach employing in-depth and expert interviews has collected insights from thirteen participants: six industry professionals and seven fans. Four major themes were derived through textual thematic analysis: 1) Crafting Brand Presentation, 2) Fan Interaction Dynamics, 3) Integration of Presentation and Interaction, and 4) Offline Realm and Markets. The findings of this research reveal, that both branding and engagement are crucial for the success of brands and artists online. Industry professionals not only point out the importance of branding, but also that fan engagement is increasingly becoming a vital element as well. These together nurture brand loyalty, fan-brand connections and therefore the success of brands. Fans view social media, especially Instagram, as an essential tool in creating perceptions about artists. While branding is important to distinguish one’s brand in the oversaturated market, fans highly appreciate authenticity, engagement, personal connection, and offline experiences with the music. In addition, there was a small gap in priority for industry professionals; they slightly prioritized brand presentation, while fans tended to focus more on music, general appearance, and personal experience with the brand as a whole. Fans paid attention to the emotional connection with the artist and the brand by fans. In summary, with social media, the way success is obtained has changed both online and offline. Social media in this day and age can help the artist translate online popularity into offline success. The findings of this study provide insights not only into the online success of branding and engagement but also into the balance between tools in the online and offline realms. Whereas the virtual world does play an important role, the real world, with its festivals, music, and personal experiences, can influence online success as much as vice versa. Lastly it is essential to mention that fans want more personal and authentic contact with the brands they admire.

dr. Argyrios Emmanouloudis
Media & Creative Industries
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Müller, Lisa-Marie. (2024, January 10). Beyond the Drop. Media & Creative Industries. Retrieved from