The emergences of new fanner movements taking place in India, Costa Rica, and Senegal are signs of fanners' resistance against new policies on agriculture sector. Their demands which were not land reform like other peasant movements, instead emunerative prices, indicate the newness of these movements. Based on manyresearches, these are triggered by implementation of structural adjusin?-ent programs(SAPs) that promote privatization and market liberalization for many developing countries. Resulting from these programs, farmers find themselves are trapped in markets which are cotrolled by other actors, mainly big companies.

Arsel, M.
Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC)
International Institute of Social Studies

Ascholani, Chasan. (2005, December). New episode of fanner movement in Indonesia: case study of Pati Farmer Union. Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC). Retrieved from