This master thesis is about why, how and to what extent expressive social media are used in the marketing strategy of non-profit performing artists, organizations and venues in The Netherlands and to what extent expressive social media are used by non-profit performing arts audiences in The Netherlands. With expressive social media are meant in this research social networking sites, blogs and photo- and video sharing websites. This master thesis concludes that the usage of social media is in an experimental phase corresponding to the fluid phase of Utterback and Albernathy’s model of innovation and that the extent to which non-profit performing arts audiences use social media corresponds to the social technographics ladder of seven levels of computing behavior of Forrester Research of 2009.

, , ,
Handke, C.
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Engels, L. (2011, May 18). Use of Expressive Social media in Markets for Culture. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from