The goal of this paper is to reach a decision about whether political or agricultural country characteristics are more determining for the occurrence of land deals in African countries. A logistic regression of the occurrence of land deals on several political and agricultural land country characteristics is conducted to come up with answers to the problem. The country characteristics that have a significant influence on the occurrence of land deals (ease of doing business index and corruption perception index) are of a political nature. Countries in which it is easier to do business and which are more corrupt are more likely to be participating in land deals. A lot of research needs to be conducted on the occurrence of land deals, as it is a relatively new and unknown phenomenon that has major implications for local communities, and this paper is a step in the right direction.

Crutzen, B.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Leeuwen, S. van. (2011, July 11). Framing the Influence of Country-Specific Characteristics on the Occurrence of Land Deals in African Countries. Business Economics. Retrieved from