According to a new school of economics, people are not always rational. They make mistakes and can be influenced by thoughts and emotions. With this new insight in economics, labeled behavioral economics, some of the former models do not apply anymore. The theory is still valid but research shows new results because we now allow for influence, rather than the usable facts, in de decision making process. In this paper the impact of misconceptions of chance on economic success will be examined. People do not always choose optimal according the laws of chance. Biases make people choose different as could be rationally expected and therefore the oprimal decision is not always made. This paper will give an insight of misjudging probability on the success as freelance worker. The results show that some people do have incorrect probability judgment and that this is of negative influence on the success as freelance worker.

, , , , , ,
Baillon, A.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Roelse, S. (2011, July 21). The probability of success.. Business Economics. Retrieved from