Digitalisation presents an opportunity for publishers, booksellers and libraries to develop a market for electronic books (ebooks). An ebook is a new way of presenting text, allowing downloading of documents and multiple reading on (portable) computers and mobile ebook devices, also known as ereaders. The content of ebooks can always be accessible, regardless of time or place and new editions can be easily created. Ereaders can carry several titles at once, over time consumers can build their own personal library. Features such as full text searching, changeable font size, mark-up, and note taking will enhance usability. Print text can be integrated with sound and film. However, many publishers, booksellers and libraries are hesitant to fully engage the ebook market. They are afraid that digitizing books could aid in pirating. The aim of this masterthesis was to find out how the ebook is evolving in the Dutch book market. The research method I used was qualitative data analysis. First I studied the international ebook market by reading academic literature about the subject. Secondly I interviewed (in total 21) publishers, booksellers and libraries. Despite the considerable promise of ebooks, I concluded that important elements that would make the ebook market successful are not quite in place. Ereaders and business models are still regularly changing. Dutch ebooks are also lacking in interactivity, therefore the possibilities of the ebook are not fully explored. Time will tell whether ebooks can be a viable alternative for printed books. At the moment the whole thing is still in its infancy.

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Haan, prof.dr. J. de
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Vezo, T.H. (2010, January 26). Het verhaal van ebook. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from