Avatar marketing Investigating the attitude of the players towards product placement in virtual worlds Master Thesis
Stamos, A.
March 2010 -
Interactive media: the influence of different interactive media on brand personality a constructive research into the role of different media on specific brand attributes Master Thesis
Spee, R.L.
March 2010 -
The influence of classical music on consumer attitude and behavior About how classical music influences consumers’ perception of, and spending behavior in a cheese store Master Thesis
Bruijn, M.R. de
March 2010 -
Cross-couponing effects on new product introductions in the cosmetic industry Master Thesis
Aantjes, M.D.
March 2010 -
Mobile advertisement Does personalization of the mobile advertisement influences the overall attitude towards mobile advertisement? Master Thesis
Jongerius, F.
March 2010 -
Zipping TV commercials To what extent will brand recognition be influenced when fast-forwarding TV commercials? Master Thesis
Bakker, R.P.
March 2010 -
Evaluating marketing performance What is, what can be, what should be Master Thesis
Schmöhl, M.
March 2010 -
Displaying the unplanned How displays can influence unplanned purchases Master Thesis
Hordijk, M.
March 2010