From old school icon to streetwise fashion statement How can companies use brand successes achieved in the past to build a brand image? Master Thesis
Kikkert, K.
December 2010 -
Are you in…. or are you out? The value of social media in an online web shop Master Thesis
Tang, K.T.
December 2010 -
The effect of retailer image on the evaluation of private labels The moderating role of private label quality-tier, branding strategy, product category characteristics, and individual characteristics Master Thesis
Marincescu, O.
December 2010 -
Store loyalty through private labels What is the relation between customer’s attitude towards private labels and store loyalty in the Dutch retail market? Master Thesis
Muis, W.
December 2010 -
The credibility spillover effect of online channels on advertised brands Master Thesis
Israfilzade, H.
December 2010 -
De creatieve identiteit van de stad Rotterdam vanuit een netwerkperspectief Master Thesis
Hendriksma, K.H.
December 2010 -
The influence of the English language in Dutch printed advertisements Master Thesis
Ronken, I.J.L.
December 2010 -
Are user‐generated online videos more likely to succeed virally? The effect on brand trust, brand affect, purchase intentions and forwarding intentions Master Thesis
Kreij, W.H. de
December 2010